Paper plate shooting star

STREAM Activity: Paper Plate Shooting Star Craft

Let’s Shoot for the Stars!
Activity best for children ages three and up

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the incredible achievements of Black Americans in the U.S. Did you know Mae Jemison was the first Black woman to travel to space? She flew aboard the space shuttle Endeavor in 1992!

Mae was an astronaut, someone trained to travel beyond Earth into outer space! She dreamed of becoming an astronaut when she was a little girl, and her determination helped her reach the stars. Determination means working hard and not giving up, even when things get difficult.

You can learn more about Mae’s amazing journey in the children’s book Mae Among The Stars. To celebrate her achievement, let’s make a paper plate shooting star. This fun craft reminds us to follow our dreams and aim for stars just like Mae did!


  • Astronaut: Someone who is trained to travel to outer space, beyond Earth where the stars, planets, and moon are found.

  • Determination: A strong feeling that helps you to keep trying to reach a goal, even when it’s difficult.


  • What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • What planet is your favorite?


  • Two paper plates

  • Tempera paint (multiple colors)

  • Scissors

  • Black paint

  • Glitter

  • Metal brads (fasteners)

  • Paint brushes



Start by painting the bottom of one of your paper plates black.

Paint the plate black


As that one dries, paint the bottom of your other plate, with as many colors as you’d like!

Paper plate painted purple


After the plate dries, flip it over and begin sketching your shooting stars. You can use templates or freehand! Then use your scissors to cut out your stars.

Pencil drawn stars on paper plate


Layer your starry plate on top of your colorful plate. Place the metal brad onto the center of the plates and use some force to insert it in the middle. Once attached, bend the sides of the metal brad to secure it in place.

Brad fastening two plates together


Now spin the plates to see the shooting stars in action!

Paper plate shooting star