Harvest Moon Tracker

STREAM Activity: Harvest Moon Tracker

Track the Moon Like a Farmer!
Activity best for children ages four and up

Before clocks, people used to rely on the sun and moon for “electricity.” During the day, people used the moon as a clock and light, and at night, the moon was used as a big flashlight. Farmer’s especially relied on the moon to know when to grow and harvest their crops. Today we’re making our own Harvest Moon Tracker!


  • Why is the Harvest Moon important?


  • Paper plate/cardboard

  • Blue, green, yellow, and brown construction paper

  • Tissue paper

  • Glue stick

  • Scissors

  • Pipe cleaner

  • Any other materials you have around your home to add to your tracker



Cut out and glue a piece of blue construction paper for the sky. Then add your green and brown papers on the bottom half as your crops.

Green and brown paper added to the Harvest Moon tracker


Next, glue down your pipe cleaners and scrunched up tissue paper to the crops. These will be the fruits and vegetables we are harvesting!

Paper "crops" added to the Harvest Moon Tracker


Draw the moon phases on a yellow sheet of paper. Then cut them out and glue them to the top of the sky in a rainbow shape.

Completed Harvest Moon Tracker


Finish off your tracker by adding an arrow! Create an arrow shape with a pipe cleaner to create your clock hand. Use scissors to gently poke a hole where your clock hand will go. Insert the pipe cleaner through the back then tape it down.

Harvest Moon Tracker